03/17/2025 - JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.
A regularly-scheduled audit of Cooper County, located in central Missouri, is now underway according to Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick. The audit officially began with an entrance meeting with county officials on Monday, March 17.
The last performance audit of Cooper County conducted by the State Auditor's Office was released in November 2017. The report gave the county a rating of "fair" and raised concerns with the lack of oversight in several areas of county government. The audit recommended improved accounting procedures in the county collector's office and increased oversight in the review of property tax transactions to reduce the risk of loss, theft, or misuse of funds. The audit also found the county failed to adequately document the reasons for transfers from two restricted funds and improperly transferred money from one restricted fund.
The prior month, the State Auditor's Office
released a stand-alone audit of the Cooper County Clerk that detailed actions taken by the former
clerk to misappropriate county funds to purchase a leased vehicle. The former
clerk leased a vehicle that was extravagant and unnecessary, and was routinely
driven for personal use. He later terminated the lease early and personally
purchased the vehicle, which he partially financed by misappropriating county
monies totaling $4,843.20. The report led to the former clerk pleading guilty
to stealing.
Individuals may provide information
confidentially for consideration during the audit of Cooper County to the State
Auditor's Whistleblower Hotline at 800-347-8597, by email at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov, or by visiting www.auditor.mo.gov/hotline.