12/01/2022 - Jefferson City, Mo.
State Auditor Nicole Galloway today issued an audit report of city of St. Louis
Department of Public Utilities. The audit found that the city has not ensured
that water revenues are sufficient to adequately maintain the city's water
distribution system and that as a result, needed repairs and improvements are
being deferred while projected costs increase significantly. The rating issued
for the Department of Public Utilities was "fair."
delays to needed capital improvements are causing the projected cost of those
improvements to rise significantly. The most recent rate sufficiency studies
completed for the Water Division estimated the cost of needed transmission main
replacements and improvements was $77 million and the cost of needed repairs to
the Chain of Rocks pump station was estimated at $30 million. Those costs were
estimated at $17 million in 2013 and $6 million in 2015, respectively.
Water Division historically has implemented large and infrequent water rate
increases, rather than smaller, more frequent increases. Significant rate
increases in a short timeframe can potentially cause financial stress on
utility customers, particularly those with low and fixed incomes. More frequent
and smaller periodic rate increases would allow the Water Division to maintain
compliance with the division's bond covenants, cover increases in operating
costs, avoid rate shock for customers, and provide funding for capital
improvements necessary to maintain the division's aging infrastructure.
rate increases have not been implemented since 2011 despite four rate
sufficiency studies recommending such increases since then. Despite the rate
studies consistently recommending rate increases to fund capital improvements,
such recommendations have not always advanced to the Board of Aldermen for
consideration. According to Water Division personnel and available
documentation, a rate increase was only recommended formally to the Mayor's
office twice over the past 10 years, and only one of those times, in 2017, did
the rate increase proposal make it to the Board of Aldermen Public Utilities
Committee. The committee voted against the proposed rate increase, and
therefore, it was not forwarded to or voted on by the full Board of Aldermen.
also found that the Water Division does not bill the city for water consumption
at city-owned buildings and property. As a result, the Water Division is
forgoing revenue from city sources and spreading the cost of city water usage
across city water customers. According to Water Division personnel, currently
only 147 of an estimated 841 city buildings and properties are metered for
water use. The meters located on these city properties are read on a quarterly
basis to measure water usage, but not billed. The estimated water usage for
these 147 city buildings and properties for fiscal year 2021 would have
generated $738,376 in potential revenue.
State Auditor initiated audits of the City of St. Louis in response to a formal
request from the Board of Aldermen. This report is the 22nd report issued as
part of the office's comprehensive audit of St. Louis city government. The
complete audit report is available here.