Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway announced audits are underway for the City of Huntsville and the 14th Judicial Circuit- Huntsville Municipal Division in Randolph County. The city audit was requested through the petition process.
"The citizens of Huntsville have requested a thorough review of city operations, and my office has started that process," Auditor Galloway said. "The residents of Huntsville deserve an efficient, effective government, and I look forward to providing results related to both city operations and the municipal court system."
City audits may be initiated through a petition process, which allows citizens to request an audit of their local government by submitting a petition. For the City of Huntsville, petitioners submitted the required 237 signatures to begin the audit process.
In order to maximize efficiency, auditors will also review the municipal court. The most recent audit of the 14th Judicial Circuit in Huntsville was completed in October 2007. A copy of that report is online here. The court audit will be released separately from the city audit.
Individuals who would like to provide information for consideration during the audits may contact the State Auditor's Office at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov or 800-347-8597.