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Auditor Fitzpatrick issues closeout report for the Office of Attorney General

Audit issues a rating of "good" for the previous administration

06/20/2024 - Jefferson City, MO

A closeout audit of the Missouri Attorney General's Office released today by State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick gives the previous administration under the leadership of former Attorney General Eric Schmitt a rating of "good." The audit covers finances and procedures for the previous administration, up to the transition of Attorney General Andrew Bailey into office.

The State Auditor conducts closeout audits of statewide offices to assist in transitions and ensure that newly-elected officeholders are aware of areas for improvement.

The report details how the Financial Services Section for the Office of Attorney General needs to improve policies and procedures over accounts receivable collections. Of the 40 cases selected for review, auditors noted an improvement in the accounts receivable case records since the previous audit in 2020, but also recommend further improvements to ensure adequate and timely collection activities. Of the 40 cases, the audit notes that 9 have remaining balances totaling approximately $559,000 for which collection efforts were not performed in recent years.

The audit also found accounting personnel did not prepare a monthly list of liabilities for the Merchandising Practices Restitution bank account.  The report notes accounting personnel reconcile the bank account balance to the book balance monthly. However, a list of liabilities was not prepared and reconciled to the reconciled bank balance during the period September 2021 through March 2023.

Additionally, the audit found the office's Information Technology Department (ITD) has not established policies over electronic equipment assigned to employees and ITD procedures do not require a complete record supporting the equipment (laptop computer, cell phone, etc.) assigned to, and returned from, terminated employees. The report also found the office did not maintain complete vehicle usage logs for 1 pool vehicle of the 6 that were reviewed.

The complete audit can be found here.