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Auditor's Office Releases Revised Audit of Washington County


State Auditor John Watson released the revised audit of Washington County today.

The audit of Washington County was originally released in February 2015. After the February release, additional documentation was obtained requiring a revised report.

With the exception of revisions made related to findings pertaining to the former county assessor, the reissued audit contains the same findings as previously reported.

Findings in the original report pertaining to the former county assessor indicated (1) additional pay was provided to various employees without adequate documentation, (2) various contracts and property assessment records were missing when the newly elected county assessor took office in September 2013, (3) equipment items were improperly sold without proceeds going to the county, and (4) a plotter and stand listed on the county capital assets records could not be located. These findings are no longer reported.

The revised report removed the above findings based upon additionally obtained documentation.

In accordance with auditing standards, the report has been revised and reissued, and is availableĀ here.