Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway has released audit reports on the offices of the Lieutenant Governor and State Treasurer.
The Lieutenant Governor's closeout audit includes a recommendation to assist the office in increasing efficiencies related to travel planning and expenses. The State Treasurer's closeout audit contains no findings. The State Treasurer's annual report includes a summary of the office's operating financial activity, cash and investment balances, and investment income, including the following financial summary documentation:
Combined Statement of Receipts, Disbursements, and Changes in Cash and Investments
Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures
Comparative Statement of Expenditures (From Appropriations)
Comparative Statement of Funds in Custody of State Treasurer
Comparative Statement of Interest Received on Pooled Investments
The State Auditor's Office performs closeout audits of statewide offices to assist in transitions and ensure that newly elected officials are aware of areas for improvement. Closeout audits are ongoing for the offices of the Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General.
Complete copies of these reports are available here.