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Property Tax Calculators

State law requires the Missouri State Auditor to annually review all property tax rates throughout Missouri as to their compliance with the state law. Please contact the State Auditor’s Tax Rate Section if you have any questions regarding the calculation of property taxes at 573-751-4213.

The following calculators can assist you with the calculating the 2025 property tax rate or revised 2024 property tax rate, if necessary. These calculators are not intended to be used by the political subdivisions to submit their tax rate to the county. Once the mandatory required input fields are entered, the data will flow into the electronic tax rate computational forms, which are printable.

Note: All of the calculators are Excel files that may be downloaded.


The State Auditor's Office has no authority to determine or review individual tax assessments. Chapter 138, RSMo, governs the appeals process for assessed valuations as they pertain to individual taxpayers. All individual tax assessment matters are the responsibility of each county assessor and board of equalization. Appeals to the state on tax assessment matters are handled by the Missouri State Tax Commission.

Choose what tax year (Jan 1 – Dec 31) you want to calculate a tax rate for: